October 4, 2024

“I might not return” IOWA said before taking a leave to…


“I might not return,” Iowa said before taking a leave to explore the vast plains beyond the known territories of the settlement. His words hung heavy in the air, a solemn proclamation that echoed through the minds of those who heard it.

Iowa had always been a wanderer at heart, his spirit restless and yearning for the unknown. From a young age, he had listened intently to tales of distant lands and uncharted waters, dreaming of adventures that lay beyond the horizon. His eyes, a deep shade of amber, reflected both determination and a hint of sadness, as if he already knew the price of his ambitions.

The settlement where Iowa had spent most of his life was a humble gathering of cabins and fields, nestled amidst rolling hills and dense forests. It was a place where time seemed to move slowly, marked by the rhythm of seasons and the toil of daily life. Yet for Iowa, it had become a cage, confining his dreams within its boundaries.

When he announced his departure, reactions varied among the settlers. Some shook their heads in disbelief, unable to fathom why anyone would willingly leave the safety of their community. Others murmured quiet words of encouragement, recognizing the fire in Iowa’s eyes as a reflection of their own unspoken desires.

Before he left, Iowa visited the elder of the settlement, a weathered man whose wisdom was as vast as the land itself. The elder listened to Iowa’s plans with a knowing smile, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon beyond the window of his cabin.

“You carry the spirit of the explorers who came before us,” the elder remarked, his voice a low rumble like distant thunder. “The urge to seek, to discover—it is a gift and a burden.”

Iowa nodded solemnly, feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation coursing through his veins. He had spent weeks preparing for this moment, gathering supplies, studying maps, and bidding farewell to friends and family. Yet now, standing before the elder, he realized the enormity of what lay ahead.

As the day of his departure approached, the settlement buzzed with a quiet anticipation. Iowa’s journey had become a symbol of hope and possibility, a reminder that there were still frontiers waiting to be crossed and mysteries waiting to be unraveled. On the morning of his departure, the settlers gathered to bid him farewell, their faces a mixture of sadness and pride.

“I will return if fate allows,” Iowa said, his voice steady despite the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. “But whatever happens, know that I carry this place with me.”

With those words, Iowa turned and began his journey into the unknown. The settlement watched in silence as he disappeared over the horizon, a lone figure against the vast expanse of sky and earth. And as the days turned into weeks and months, Iowa’s name became a whispered legend among the settlers, a testament to the courage it took to chase one’s dreams beyond the familiar borders of home…

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