October 5, 2024

The Royal Veterinary College says the public must demand better from breeders of ‘naturally unhealthy’ animals

Experts from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) have suggested bulldog breeding in the UK could be banned if their fitness is not altered to avoid a variety of debilitating conditions.

Synonymous with Sir Winston Churchill and Britishness, English bulldogs are at high risk of respiratory, eye and skin problems due to their extreme physical characteristics, including short snouts, folded skin and stocky bodies. .


Currently, the breed has a short lifespan of about eight years, partly due to health problems, and research recommends that people “stop and think” before buying one.

Results showed that they were 38 times more likely to develop dermatitis in skin folds than other dogs, nearly 27 times more likely to develop eye disease, and 24 times more likely to develop cherry eye disease. time. The lower jaw protrudes and the risk of airway obstruction causing difficulty breathing is nearly 20 times higher.

And the list goes on, with this iconic breed more likely to suffer from cysts between the toes, dry eyes, drooping eyelids, mange and foot infections.

The study, published in the journal Canine Medicine and Genetics, suggests that English bulldogs should be bred to have milder physical characteristics, both to ensure health and avoid being banned from breeding.

The breed was originally developed as a muscular, athletic dog for bullfighting, but has now been bred as a show animal and companion with a short skull, protruding jaw, skin folds and The body is stocky and heavy.

This physique has been linked to a number of health problems and countries such as the Netherlands and Norway have restricted the breeding of English bulldogs in recent years.

Study author Dr. Dan O’Neill, associate professor of companion animal epidemiology at RVC, said:
“Every dog ​​deserves to be born with good and equal innate health thanks to the natural ability to breathe freely, blink fully, move easily, have healthy flat skin, mate and give birth. child.

“For breeds like the English bulldog, where many dogs are still extremely built with poor natural health, the public has a huge role to play in demanding moderately built, healthy dogs than.

“Until then, prospective owners should stop and think before purchasing a flat-faced dog.”

He added:
“These results show that the overall health of English bulldogs is much lower than that of other dogs.

“What is most worrying, however, is that many of the health problems English bulldogs suffer from, such as skin fold dermatitis and respiratory problems, are directly related to their harsh body structure. which they are selected.

“With the increasing popularity of the breed, the body shape of the typical English bulldog needs to be redefined towards more moderate physical characteristics. “This would not only improve dog health but could also allow the UK to avoid following the lead of other countries in banning English bulldogs for welfare reasons.”

Researchers compared the risk of common disorders in English bulldogs with that of other dogs by analyzing UK veterinary practice records from 2016 using a database VetCompass.

Looking at a random sample of 2,662 English bulldogs and 22,039 dogs of other breeds, they found that English bulldogs were twice as likely to be diagnosed with at least one disorder than their counterparts. other dogs. The breed is predisposed to 24 of 43 specific disorders.

They also found that only 9.7% of English bulldogs in this study were 8 years of age or older, compared to 25.4% of other breeds. Experts say this supports the idea that the shorter lifespan of English bulldogs is linked to their poorer overall health. Dr. Alison Skipper, co-author and veterinary historian, said:
“By 1900, some bulldog breeders were concerned that exaggeration of “certain typical features” “increased predisposition to disease” and produced “diseases and deformities” along with “ Life expectancy is sadly shortened.”

“This new study provides strong evidence that modern bulldogs still face many body shape-related diseases, most of which have been known for more than a century.

“This confirms the need to follow the lead of more responsible breeders who prioritize health in their breeding decisions to improve the welfare of the popular breed and bring this symbolism in the future.”

The authors hope that in the future the English bulldog breed may be recognized and appreciated for its longer face, smaller head and unwrinkled skin, presenting a milder and healthier appearance.

With around 70% of dogs in the UK not registered with the Kennel Club and only a small proportion ever entering dog shows, experts say the real power for change lies with the public, who can only request and purchase dogs of moderate condition. and have better health. built.

Bulldog (English Bulldog): Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

Bill Lambert, Director of Breeder Services at the Kennel Club, said:
“This study shows that an increasing number of bulldogs are being bred outside any sphere of influence and in some way because they are considered ‘cute’, without regard to their health and well-being.” of them.

“This research, partly funded by the Kennel Club Charitable Trust, allows us and anyone interested in improving bulldog health to better understand these complex issues.

“Careful and responsible breeding can help address health problems and progress has been made in improving and protecting the health of bulldogs by reputable breeders and owners care using evidence-based tools.”

He added:
“A collaborative approach to addressing these issues is vital. We must continue to work with breeders, veterinarians and charities to minimize and ultimately eliminate the health problems faced by brachycephalic breeds, as well as reduce There is great demand for these dogs.

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